The Real Trial Of Oscar Wilde: The First Uncensored Transcript Of The Trial Of Oscar Wilde Vs. John Douglas (Marquess Of Queensbury) 1895 电子书下载
London`s Central Criminal Court Sessions Papers for April 1895 were blunt, declaring that "the details of this case are unfit for ...
08-22 [ None ]
Governing Banking’s Future: Markets vs. Regulation 电子书下载
Risk-based capital standards presume a need for common capital standards across countries. The details of forging an agreement we ...
05-21 [ None ]
厄勒克特拉vs俄狄浦斯 电子书下载
荷兰著名心理学家伊基•弗洛伊德在临床实践中发现,有一些女性会在分娩后出现心理问题。其中一些还会患上严重的抑郁症,觉得自己无法像自以为应该做的那样去爱新生的宝宝,因而心怀愧疚。她由此开始意识到,这些女性与自己母亲的关系往往是问题的根源所在。西格蒙德•弗洛伊德的 ...
06-25 [ None ]
《愿为西南风 》闻人可轻如何收服傲娇“坏坏”军校小哥哥?风流野马VS清冷小野猫,互撩互宠了解一下文字版 电子书下载
小花阅读签约作者。爱音乐、爱电影、爱动漫,男神是二次元里的夏目。认为世界上没有什么事情是甜蜜的提拉米苏解决不了的,如果有,那就两块。写故事是终生梦想,同时希望可以做一个温暖的虔诚的讲述者。已上市:《等我嫁给你》《春江水暖》《时光好又暖》《我无法学会与你告别》《再靠近一点点》《弄糖》全校都知道周尽城是 ...
09-13 [ fiction ]
《哲学的快乐:干瘪的思考vs.激情的生活》 电子书下载
内容简介:什么才是激情又美好的生活? 情感丰富的人就一定缺乏理性吗? 爱情到底是一种什么东西? 遭遇不公,该“有仇必报”还是“以德报怨”? 生活中发生的悲剧一定只有坏处吗? 死亡是个什么东西?害怕、忽视死亡有用吗? 假如把A的记忆植入B的身体,这个人是A还是B? 如果人人都说真话,世界会变成什么样? ...
12-09 [ life ]
Andrei Tarkovsky (Pocket Essential series) 电子书下载
Pocket Essentials is a dynamic series of books that are concise, lively, and easy to read. Packed with facts as well as expert op ...
07-01 [ None ]
VMware VSphere Performance Designing CPU, Memory, Storage, and Networking for Performance-intensive Workloads 电子书下载
Covering the latest VMware vSphere software, an essential book aimed at solving vSphere performance problems before they happen V ...
10-10 [ None ]
VMware vSphere Performance: Designing CPU, Memory, Storage, and Networking for Performance-Intensive Workloads 电子书下载
Covering the latest VMware vSphere software, an essential book aimed at solving vSphere performance problems before they happenVM ...
10-10 [ None ]