The Rehabilitation Psychology Treatment Planner 电子书下载
Provides all the elements necessary to develop formal treatment plans satisfying HMOs, managed-care companies, third-party payers ...
09-08 [ None ]
Child and Adolescent Neurology: Blackwells Neurology and Psychiatry Access Series (Access) 电子书下载
Blackwell’s Neurology and Psychiatry Access Series has been designed to teach the art of diagnosis and treatment of neurologic an ...
07-05 [ None ]
人到底是各不相同,还是千人一面?是什么让我们刻骨铭心,我们又为什么会被遗忘所扰?如何才能测试出真正的智慧?对这些问题的回答要依靠全世界思想家的努力和心理学的令人啧啧称奇的实验。《“人类的思想”百科丛书:心理学百科》用平易近人的语言拉近了我们和心理学的距离,简 ...
06-20 [ None ]
Whats Luck Got to Do with It?: The History, Mathematics, and Psychology of the Gamblers Illusion 电子书下载
Why do so many gamblers risk it all when they know the odds of winning are against them? Why do they believe dice are "hot" in a ...
08-29 [ None ]
Antipsychotic Trials in Schizophrenia: The CATIE Project 电子书下载
Antipsychotic medications are a key treatment for schizophrenia and sales of antipsychotic drugs approach $20 billion per year, w ...
08-01 [ None ]
Cognitive schemas and core beliefs in psychological problems: A scientist-practitioner guide 电子书下载
Cognitive approaches to psychopathology have evolved from a primary focus on superficial cognition and automatic thoughts to an i ...
08-18 [ None ]
The Primordial Violence: Spanking Children, Psychological Development, Violence, and Crime 电子书下载
A CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title 2014! Why do parents hit those they love? What effect does it have on children? What can be d ...
08-12 [ None ]
Punishing the Patient: How Psychiatrists Misunderstand and Mistreat Schizophrenia 电子书下载
Ninety per cent of those diagnosed with schizophrenia are treated, often involuntarily, with drugs that manage but do not cure th ...
08-01 [ None ]
The Cognitive Neuropsychology Of Schizophrenia 电子书下载
Schizophrenic patients have bizarre experiences which reflect a disorder in the contents of consciousness. For example, patients ...
08-01 [ None ]
Why Does Schizophrenia Develop at Late Adolescence: A Cognitive-Developmental Approach to Psychosis 电子书下载
Governments around the world have given priority to "early intervention", i.e. the early diagnosis and treatment of young adults ...
08-01 [ None ]