Let’s Build a Multiplayer Phaser Game: With TypeScript, Socket.IO, and Phaser 电子书下载
Create a fully working multiplayer game from scratch using TypeScript, Socket.IO, and the community edition of Phaser.js. You will achieve amazing feats in the browser without having to install any software. This book teaches you how to use the Phaser game engine APIs to tap into physics, and how to utilize HUD information and fire lasers.
Let’s Build a Multiplayer Phaser Game dives into the details to show you how to create a multiplayer game from beginning to end. Once you have finished this book, you will be well versed in creating not only a game, but also an application that you can extend with new functionality to enjoy with your friends.
What You`ll Learn
• Discover the ins and outs of Socket.IO for real-time web communication
• Use TypeScript to allow your project to be typed and self-documenting
• See how gaming mechanics work to make a game entertaining
• Get a deeper understanding of how to structure your working directory and your code
• Scale what you have created
Who This Book Is For
Developers who want to know how to create and structure a complex online game
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