Pro TypeScript: Application-Scale JavaScript Development 电子书下载
Explore the features of this innovative open source language in depth, from working with the type system through object-orientation to understanding the runtime and the TypeScript compiler. This fully revised and updated second edition of Steve Fenton’s popular book covers everything you need to discover this fascinating language and transform your experience of JavaScript development.What’s New in This EditionCoverage of major changes to modules, namespaces, and module loadingNew guidance on how to use inference to reduce the effort of using TypeScriptRecommendations on compiler optionsA wide range of feature updates from intersections and tuples to async/await and the new approach to mixinsWhat You’ll LearnUnderstand the TypeScript type system, and how to use it effectivelyApply object-oriented design using TypeScriptUse modules effectively to manage large programsIntegrate existing frameworks and libraries into your TypeScript programWho This Book Is ForWeb developers looking for a modern approach to JavaScript development
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