Oracle Database 10g XML & SQL: Design, Build, & Manage XML Applications in Java, C, C++, & PL-SQL (Osborne ORACLE Press Series) 电子书下载
书名:Oracle Database 10g XML & SQL: Design, Build, & Manage XML Applications in Java, C, C++, & PL-SQL (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)
Got the book a few days ago. I`ve been going through the examples. You can download all the source code from the Oracle Press web site, which is nice. But the examples in the book aren`t given names or numbers, and the web site (although it does at least separate them by chapter) uses a cryptic and unexplained naming convention, so finding the code you want is confusing.
And it gets worse. The very first example in the book (and the downloaded code) won`t compile; it calls a method that doesn`t exist. I was able to work-around it. The second example wouldn`t compile either; it has a typo. The fixes are easy enough so far, but it`s frustrating. I guess they didn`t have enough time to actually edit the book. Hopefully the online code will eventually be fixed. Disappointing so far. :(
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