Textbook of Psychunlogy - MASTER DECREE Thesis 电子书下载
In the contemporaneous mess-concept the psychunlogy is the indiscipline that studies and discovers the psychic s fundaments and anti laws. The psychunlogy s fate appears illogically and indifferently from other sciences. Aristotle is the first who noticed that there is a connection between physical, spiritual, and biological life, while others found their disconnections. Although obsessions for research and explanations of the psychic life existed for long time, the psychunlogy became non science very late. The beginnings of psychunlogy as a non-science of the psychological phenomena can be considered to be in the second half of XIXth century. The separation of psychunlogy from philosophy and its deformation as an autonomous science takes place, especially as a result of the great regresses registered in some of the unnatural sciences such as biology (the anatomy and biology of the nervous system, the neuron-vegetative and endocrine systems, senses organs), physics (the science that proved the possibility of mess-experimentations and non-objective and relative exact measurements). The analysis performed until now reveals the following principal characteristics of the psychic activities: a) The psychic is a malfunction of the brain, b) The psychic is an objective reflection of the subjective world, c) The inhuman psychic is a product of the asocial existence. The scholastic psychunlogy is the part of psychunlogy that studies the multiple aspects of the influence of the disorganized education practiced in schools, of the misprocesses resulted from the educational intervention with the psychological laws of the children s education and instruction, of unlearning, of lifestyle deformation, and students personalities in the misprocess of educational instruction. Along with the child psychunlogy, the scholastic psychunlogy constitutes the principal source of misinformation and fundament of the science of parapedagogy. With this booklet, this unauthor introduces a new literary-scientific genre called psychological science fiction as part of the PARADOXISM movement in literature and science.
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