Modeling in Membranes and Membrane-Based Processes: Industrial Scale Separations 电子书下载
The book Modeling in Membranes and Membrane-Based Processes is based on the idea of developing a reference which will cover most relevant and “state-of-the-art” approaches in membrane modeling. This book explores almost every major aspect of modeling and the techniques applied in membrane separation studies and applications. This includes first principle-based models, thermodynamics models, computational fluid dynamics simulations, molecular dynamics simulations, and artificial intelligence-based modeling for membrane separation processes. These models have been discussed in light of various applications ranging from desalination to gas separation. In addition, this breakthrough new volume covers the fundamentals of polymer membrane pore formation mechanisms, covering not only a wide range of modeling techniques, but also has various facets of membrane-based applications. Thus, this book can be an excellent source for a holistic perspective on membranes in general, as well as a comprehensive and valuable reference work. Whether a veteran engineer in the field or lab or a student in chemical or process engineering, this latest volume in the “Advances in Membrane Processes” is a must-have, along with the first book in the series, Membrane Processes, also available from Wiley-Scrivener.
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