Structure and Properties of Cell Membrane Structure and Properties of Cell Membranes : Volume II 电子书下载
"This book provides in-depth presentations in membrane biology by specialists of international repute. The volumes examine world literature on recent advances in understanding the molecular struc-ture and properties of membranes, the role they play in cellular physiology and cell-cell interactions, and the alterations leading to abnormal cells. Illustrations, tables, and useful appendices com-plement the text. Those professionals actively working in the field of cell membrane investigations as well as biologists, biochemists, biophysicists, physicians, and academicians, will find this work beneficial."--Provided by publisher. Read more... Abstract: "This book provides in-depth presentations in membrane biology by specialists of international repute. The volumes examine world literature on recent advances in understanding the molecular struc-ture and properties of membranes, the role they play in cellular physiology and cell-cell interactions, and the alterations leading to abnormal cells. Illustrations, tables, and useful appendices com-plement the text. Those professionals actively working in the field of cell membrane investigations as well as biologists, biochemists, biophysicists, physicians, and academicians, will find this work beneficial."--Provided by publisher
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