Geodatabase Workbook: ArcGIS 9 电子书下载
The Geodatabase Workbook contains exercises to help you learn to create and edit geodatabases. The Quick-start tutorial provides a hands-on introduction to advanced geodatabase topics, such as relationship classes, subtypes, default values, domains, topology, geometric networks, feature-linked annotation, and dimension features in the context of editing a sample geodatabase. The second part of the Workbook provides exercises in using the feature editing tools in ArcMap. The last part of the Workbook provides exercises that show how to create a geodatabase, load data, and implement the advanced geodatabase behavior introduced in the Quick-start tutorial. The Quick-start tutorial and the section on creating geodatabases require ArcInfo(TM) or ArcEditor(TM). The section on editing focuses on editing simple features, and many of the exercises can be done with an ArcView(TM). You will learn how to: Create geodatabase features using editing tools.Build a geodatabase from existing feature types such as shapefiles, coverage, CAD data, and more.Add behavior to your features by creating subtypes and validation rules.Create relationships between objects in your geodatabase by creating relationship classes and geometric networks.Define, manage, and edit geodatabase topologies.Create new features and edit existing features with behaviors.Create and edit annotation features to enhance the information on your maps and drawings. Begin by following the ""Quick-start tutorial"" to get an overview of how to edit geodatabase features, create, find, and fix topology errors, and edit a geometric network, feature-linked annotation, and dimension feature. Learn more featureediting techniques in ""Editing GIS features."" Learn to build geodatabases and implement behavior in ""Building Geodatabases.""
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