ArcGIS By Example: Develop three engaging ArcGIS applications to address your real-world mapping scenarios 电子书下载
书名:ArcGIS By Example: Develop three engaging ArcGIS applications to address your real-world mapping scenarios
ArcGIS is a geographic information system (GIS) for working with maps and geographic information. It is considered the turnkey solution to creating and sharing interactive maps. ArcGIS is designed to work the way you work. With nothing to install and set up, ArcGIS helps you make your work productive from day one. The book covers the design and development of three ArcGIS applications to guide the readers in crafting their own GIS solution as per their requirements. The book begins by giving you a refresher on the concepts of ArcGIS. Without wasting any time, you`ll begin with developing your first ArcGIS application. You will be developing a cell tower analysis tool. Following this, you will be guided through mapping signal strength and real - time manoeuvring in your GIS system. You will then move on to the second application of the book: a restaurant mapping system.
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