Building Web Applications with ArcGIS: tion froBuild an engaging GIS Web applicam scratch using ArcGIS 电子书下载
书名:Building Web Applications with ArcGIS: tion froBuild an engaging GIS Web applicam scratch using ArcGIS
ArcGIS allows users to create rich maps and applications that interact with services hosted on ArcGIS for Server and ArcGIS Online. This book will help you to understand the ArcGIS JavaScript API in a fun way while building a real-life project. This book revolves around a fictional project called Bestaurants. The journey starts with a description of the project requirements before moving on to designing and sketching an interface of what the website will look like. Then, gradually with each chapter, you will add a single functionality until the full ArcGIS application is completed. By the end of this book, you will have built an entire ArcGIS web application from scratch. An additional bonus appendix is included on how to build ArcGIS applications with ArcGIS Online–a new and extremely useful service offered by Esri.
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