How to get a good degree, 2nd Edition (Open Up Study Skills) 电子书下载
How can I ensure my hard work pays off? How should I integrate new technologies into my study habits? How can I study strategically and avoid going off at a tangent? Are you motivated to succeed at university but unsure how to achieve your full potential? This book will help to unlock the secrets to getting a good degree and all the benefits that can come from it. A strong degree opens up career choices and enhances earning potential. The world is your oyster! More than anything else, a good degree brings freedom to choose, to change direction, and to follow up exciting options. Whether you go on to further study or not, people will still look at whether your first degree was a good one. Based on student suggestions, the author has thoroughly revised the structure and content of the book to address key issues such as: Best use of time Developing effective study habits Finding the best learning resources How and when to use different writing styles Feedback (and how to get extra help) The use of electronic sources Virtual learning environments Avoiding plagiarism Dealing with personal problems (and where to seek advice) If you are an undergraduate, this book will help you to reap the rewards for the time and investment you expend while studying for your degree.
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