HTML5 Boilerplate Web Development: Master HTML5 Boilerplate web development with a robust set of templates to get your web projects done quickly and effectively 电子书下载
书名:HTML5 Boilerplate Web Development: Master HTML5 Boilerplate web development with a robust set of templates to get your web projects done quickly and effectively
HTML5 Boilerplate Web Development - will enable you to build new projects effectively with minimal effort. HTML5 Boilerplate allows you to deploy quality websites successfully and quickly while also ensuring robust cross-browser performance. It takes you through the step-by-step process of creating a website and teaches you to take full advantage of the html layouts provided within HTML5 Boilerplate; be it styles, mark up, or code so you can accomplish your goals. This book will guide you through the process of building a music festival website, as an applicable example, using HTML5 Boilerplate. You will install, set up HTML5 Boilerplate and deploy production sites.
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