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4th Edition. — Burgee Press, 2005. — 174 p.Незаменимое пособие для подготовки к интервью в ведущих консалтинговых компаниях. В целом полезная разминка для экономически-ориентированных мозгов.Introduction.The interview.Introduction.Questions about you.Why consulting?Possible math question.Case questions.Your questions.The grand finale.Case questions.Purpose of the case question.Case preparation.The case commandments.Types of case questions.Written case questions and tests.Irking the interviewer.If you get stuck.The trouble with math.The Ivy case system.Best case thinking.The first four steps.The twelve case scenarios.y system at a glance.Additional tools and frameworks.Five C`s and four P`s.BCG matrix.Michael Porter`s five forces.The value chain.S framework.Income statement."If" scenarios to remember.Business case tips.An Aristotelian framework.Practice cases.cases.Case index.Cases questions without answers.The roommate`s guide.Final Analysis.Consulting buzzwords.
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