Wiley CFA Level I Formula Sheets 电子书下载
Clear, concise instruction for all CFA Level I concepts and competencies for the 2017 exam The same official curricula that CFA Program candidates receive with program registration is now available publicly for purchase. CFA Program Curriculum 2017 Level I, Volumes 1-6 provides the complete Level I Curriculum for the 2017 exam, delivering the Candidate Body of Knowledge (CBOK) with expert instruction on all ten topic areas of the CFA Program. Fundamental concepts are explained with in-depth discussion and a heavily visual style, while cases and examples demonstrate how concepts apply in real-world scenarios. Coverage includes ethical and professional standards, quantitative analysis, economics, financial reporting and analysis, corporate finance, equities, fixed income, derivatives, alternative investments, and portfolio management, all organized into individual sessions with clearly defined Learning Outcome Statements. Charts, graphs, figures, diagrams, and financial statements illustrate concepts to facilitate retention, and practice questions provide the opportunity to gauge your understanding while reinforcing important concepts. The Level I Curriculum covers a large amount of information; this set breaks the CBOK down into discrete study sessions to help you stay organized and focused on learning-not just memorizing-important CFA concepts. Learning Outcome Statement checklists guide readers to important concepts to derive from the readings Embedded case studies and examples throughout demonstrate practical application of concepts Figures, diagrams, and additional commentary make difficult concepts accessible Practice problems support learning and retention CFA Institute promotes the highest standards of ethics, education, and professional excellence among investment professionals. The CFA Program Curriculum guides you through the breadth of knowledge required to uphold these standards. The three levels of the program build on each other. Level I provides foundational knowledge and teaches the use of investment tools; Level II focuses on application of concepts and analysis, particularly in the valuation of assets; and Level III builds toward synthesis across topics with an emphasis on portfolio management.
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