Differential equations with MATLAB: updated for MATLAB 7 and Simulink 6 电子书下载
"Differential Equations with MATLAB" (2nd ed.) by B. Hunt, R. Lipsman, J.Osborn and J.Rosenberg is a supplemental text that can enrich and enhance any first course in ordinary differential equations. Designed to accompany Wiley`s ODE texts written by Boyce/DiPrima, Borrelli/Coleman and Lomen/Lovelock, this supplement helps instructors move towards an earlier use of numerical and geometric methods, place a greater emphasis on systems (including nonlinear ones), and increase discussions of both the benefits and possible pitfalls in numerical solution of ODEs. By providing an introduction to the software that is integrated with the relevant mathematics, "Differential Equations with MATLAB" can perfectly complement and enhance these texts.
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