OpenStack in Action 电子书下载
OpenStack in Action offers real-world use cases and step-by-step instructions on how to develop your own cloud platform. This book guides you through the design of both the physical hardware cluster and the infrastructure services you`ll need. You`ll learn how to select and set up virtual and physical servers, how to implement software-defined networking, and technical details of designing, deploying, and operating an OpenStack cloud in your enterprise. You`ll also discover how to best tailor your OpenStack deployment for your environment. Finally, you`ll learn how your cloud can offer user-facing software and infrastructure services.what`s inside* Develop and deploy an enterprise private cloud* Private cloud technologies from an IT perspective* Organizational impact of self-service cloud computingabout the readerNo prior knowledge of OpenStack or cloud development is assumed.about the authorCody Bumgardner is the Chief Technology Architect at a large university where he is responsible for the architecture, deployment, and long-term strategy of OpenStack private clouds and other cloud computing initiatives.
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