Quality Software Project Management, Two Volume Set = 高质量软件项目管理

Quality Software Project Management, Two Volume Set = 高质量软件项目管理 电子书下载

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书名:Quality Software Project Management, Two Volume Set = 高质量软件项目管理

Quality Software Project Management, Two Volume Set = 高质量软件项目管理.jpg

The practical handbook of software project management --bypractitioners,forpractitioners!Identifies and teaches 34 essential project management skills and competencies. Covers the entire project lifecycle, and all three key success factors: process, project,andpeople. Endorsed by the Software Quality Institute.This is a practical, start-to-finish guide to project management for every software professional -- both experienced project managersanddevelopers moving into leadership roles. Drawing upon best practices identified at the University of Texas Software Quality Institute`s Software Project Management Certificate Program, this book identifies 34 key skills and competencies every software project manager must master, and covers all three pillars of any successful venture:process, project, and people.KEY TOPICS:Quality Software Project Managementis the only book designed to marry the best practices of the leaders of every relevant discipline: quality, software engineering, and project management. Using detailed case studies and real-world anecdotes, the authors cover the entire project lifecycle: planning, initiation, execution, control, and closing. They offer practical checklists, templates, and forms any project manager can use -- all of them downloadable from the book`s companion Web site.MARKET:For software project managers at all levels, and for all developers who may be called upon to manage projects in the future.

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