Exploring ArcObjects (Two Volume Set) 电子书下载
The software programs that make up the ESRI ArcGIS Desktop productsArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfomake up the worlds most advanced geographic information system (GIS) software, offering unprecedented out-of-the-box ease of use, point-and-click customization, and professional developer extensibility. In addition to the state-of-the-art user interface found in these programs, they all come with an extensive, component-based object model called ArcObjects. Customize the look and feel of the application or extend its base functionality to meet your needs. Use the built-in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) development environment or any external development environment compliant with Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) framework.Exploring ArcObjects provides the foundation for carrying out your development taskswhether writing simple VBA scripts for customizing ArcGIS applications, creating an ActiveX add-in, or developing highly customized applications targeted for focused industrial use.
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