Wiley CPA Examination Review, Problems and Solutions (Wiley Cpa Examination Review Vol 2: Problems and Solutions) (Volume 2) 电子书下载
书名:Wiley CPA Examination Review, Problems and Solutions (Wiley Cpa Examination Review Vol 2: Problems and Solutions) (Volume 2)
This book contains thousands of multiple choice questions and quite a few simulations. I am using it in addition to a Becker review course. It has some of the same questions as the Becker material (probably 30 percent), but there are many questions not included in Becker, and some of them have a very different focus and style. I think this makes the book worth the $60 price, just to fill in the gaps. If you are not using a review course, the Wiley reviews are also recommended, individually or in the four volume set.
There is a newer volume that has recently been released, with some new material, but most of the material overlaps with this edition. This edition is now much cheaper than the new one. I used this one to review for the BEC section, and I feel like it really helped to round out my preparation.
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