Wiley Cpaexcel Exam Review 2018 Study Guide: Financial Accounting And Reporting (wiley Cpa Exam Review Financial Accounting And Reporting) 电子书下载
书名:Wiley Cpaexcel Exam Review 2018 Study Guide: Financial Accounting And Reporting (wiley Cpa Exam Review Financial Accounting And Reporting)
The Wiley CPAexcel Study Guide: Financial Accounting and Reporting provides detailed study text to help you identify, focus on, and master specific topic areas that are essential for passing the FAR section of the 2018 CPA Exam. Covers the complete AICPA content blueprint in Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) Authored and compiled by the same leading university accounting professors who author the Wiley CPAexcel online course Explains every CPA Exam topic tested on the Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) section of the CPA Exam (one volume) Organized in Bite-Sized Lessons so you can learn faster and remember more of what you learn Updated for 2018 so you have the most accurate, up-to-date content available for the Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) section on this year’s exam Maps perfectly to the Wiley CPAexcel Review Course; may be used to complement the online course or as a standalone study tool Study text only and does NOT include practice questions or practice exams. Use in conjunction with the Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review 2018 Test Bank: Financial Accounting and Reporting, which includes over 4,200 interactive multiple-choice questions and 200 task-based simulations.
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