Cinema 4D, Third Edition: The Artists Project Sourcebook 电子书下载
Make the creative leap to 3D. Realize your artistic vision with this treasure chest of instructional projects. Get the essential concepts and techniques without drowning in the technical complexities. This new edition is an artist`s sourcebook for the visionary in you that wants to master 3D-- and have fun doing it. It serves as a complete guide for the creative use of Cinema 4D R12 and all of its modules. Short, playful projects show you how to put this powerful toolset to work. You will master R12`s improved workflow, scene management, enhanced animation timeline and searchable object manager, as well as its: Integrated color management White balance Camera deformer Several new Deformers Several new Mirror tools functions Numerous additions to AfterEffects export Multiple Picture Viewer windows, including full screen mode You also get inventive quick starts for other modules including Hair, Sketch and Toon, Advanced Render, Dynamics and Thinking Particles. The companion DVD is bursting with project source files, tutorial movies, and over 150 pages of both beginner and advanced in-depth tutorials.*Lavishly illustrated in 4 colors, this book is your key to making the creative leap to 3D, providing essential concepts and techniques that will help you realize your artistic vision *Engaging and whimsical style of presentation provides both entertainment as you read as well as creative inspiration for your own projects *Companion DVD with project files, tutorial media, and over 150 pages of both beginner and advanced bonus tutorials
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