A New-England Tale; Or, Sketches of New-England Character and Manners (Early American Women Writers) 电子书下载
书名:A New-England Tale; Or, Sketches of New-England Character and Manners (Early American Women Writers)
The Early American Women Writers series offers rare works of fiction by eighteenth- and nineteenth-century women, each reprinted in its entirety, each with a foreword by General Editor Cathy N. Davidson, who places the novel in a historical and literary perspective. Written in 1822, A New-England Tale is the first of the many novels, tales, and short magazine pieces Catharine Sedgwick published during her lifetime. The story of an orphan girl in rural New England and the moral trials she faces as she grows up, this early example of the popular nineteenth-century women`s novel provides a unique look at the religious and social climate at this crucial period in America`s national development. Addressing many of the complex religious, political, and philosophical issues of the time, as well as concerns of the woman writer, A New-England Tale is a classic story of a young woman`s moral and material triumphs.
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