Introducing Cognitive Analytic Therapy 电子书下载
Introducing Cognitive Analytic Therapy is a systematic, up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to the origin, development and practice of CAT. Since its initial presentation as a model of individual psychotherapy, CAT has grown to represent a general theory of psychological development and change, reflecting in particular the influence of Vygotsky.Economical in cost and applicable to a wide spectrum of disorders, CAT is now widely used by a range of mental health service providers. The practice of CAT has been extended to different settings and patient groups, most notably in the area of Borderline Personality Disorder.Introducing Cognitive Analytic Therapy includes a range of features to aid scholars and trainees: * illustrative case histories and numerous case vignettes * chapter summaries, further reading and a glossary of key terms * resources for use in clinical settings
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