Teach Yourself Brazilian Portuguese: Complete Course 电子书下载
Bestselling language courses now with audio CDs! From Danish to Spanish, Swahili to Brazilian Portuguese, the languages of the world are brought within the reach of any beginning student. Learners can use the Teach Yourself Language Courses at their own pace or as a supplement to formal courses. These complete courses are based on the very latest learning methods and designed to be enjoyable and user-friendly. Prepared by experts in the language, each course begins with the basics and gradually promotes the student to a level of smooth and confident communication, including: Up-to-date, graded interactive dialogues Graded units of culture notes, grammar, and exercises Step-by-step guide to pronunciation Practical vocabulary Regular and irregular verb tables Plenty of practice exercises and answers Bilingual glossary The new editions also feature: Clear, uncluttered, and user-friendly layout Self-assessment quizzes to test progress Website suggestions to take language study further
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