Pro Access 2007 电子书下载
Pro Access 2007 covers the features of Microsoft Access 2007, including working with SharePoint Office Server and customizing Ribbons. The book is aimed at professional developers and power users who are new to Access 2007. Among other topics, youll learn about the new Access menu structure, including customization, as well as new SharePoint features. This book provides good, short, solid information with as little waffle as possible. And the book includes solid examples that thoroughly explain new features. Author Martin Reid is also a working Access developer who is respected by his peers and knows what working developers face, especially at the time of a new release. What you’ll learn Creating custom menus using RibbonX Get up and running building Visual Basic for Applications Classes Learn about Microsoft Office SharePoint Server and how it fits into Access Working with SQL Server and using the new Microsoft Access 2007 to SQL Server 2005 tools Code examples provided to highlight real-world issues Use Access and .NET to present information via the Internet Who this book is for Now you have Microsoft Access 2007, you can see what`s new to the product and what it`s built for. Pro Access 2007 is an essential tool which can help you get deeper into the workings of Access 2007.
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