Innovating the TESOL Practicum in Teacher Education; Design, Implementation, and Pedagogy in an Era of Change 电子书下载
书名:Innovating the TESOL Practicum in Teacher Education; Design, Implementation, and Pedagogy in an Era of Change
Recognizing new opportunities and challenges brought about by technological and social change, as well as the COVID-19 pandemic, this volume explores innovative design, implementation, and pedagogy for practica experiences in teacher education programs in the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.By showcasing research and practice undertaken in a range of teacher education courses and programs, the volume offers evidence-based approaches to enhancing pre- and in-service teachers’ learning and cultural awareness. Chapters come together coherently to address issues and explore innovative structures revolving around high-quality TESOL practica. Particular attention is paid to emerging opportunities offered by virtual and simulated learning in online and in-person practica, as well as potential changes to best practice in community-based programs.Using a diverse set of lenses to examine the practical, theoretical, and methodological aspects of TESOL practica, this volume will be of interest to students, scholars and researchers with an interest in TESOL education, as well as in open and distance education.
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