20 Questions...Answered, Book 3 Informative Stories on Topics of Interest to the Modern Student 电子书下载
20 Questions...Answered is a reproducible ESL/EFL reading-and-discussion text for false beginners, or for true beginners who have already had about eight months of instruction in the language. Each unit examines an element of life currently of interest. From popular interest in Dinosaurs, in the Internet, in Plastic Surgery, in Cameras in the Courtroom, and in Endangered Species, 20 Questions...Answered covers them all, and many more! Put quite plainly, 20 Questions...Answered is full of informative stories, with exercises, on topics of interest to the modern student. Topics include: 1. Sports Medicine 2. Baby Boomers 3. Hubble Space Telescope 4. Automobile Safety 5. Olympic Games 6. Organic Farming 7. Virtual Reality 8. Steroids 9. Physician-Assisted Suicide 10. Animation 11. UFOs 12. Dentistry 13. Automation 14. Russia Today 15. Cashless Society 16. Two Woodstock Festivals 17. Homelessness 18. Endangered Species 19. Alternative Medicine 20. Figure Skating.
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