100 Thematic Word Search Puzzles Junior 电子书下载
100 Thematic Word Search Puzzles Junior is a reproducible book of, as the title suggests, 100 word search puzzles. Word search puzzles are the ones where you are given a list of words. You are also given a grid with letters on it. You must search the grid to find all the words from the list. The words camouflaged on the grid go in various directions: left to right, right to left, up and down, and diagonally in any direction. Each puzzle is based on a theme. Each puzzle has ten words to be studied. There is an illustration for each vocabulary word. There is a space for the student to practice writing the words on it. The other has all the vocabulary words hidden in a grid full of letters. There is a complete Answer Key. Puzzles from 100 Thematic Word Search Puzzles Junior can be used alone or with other thematically linked materials
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