Poisonous Parenting: Toxic Relationships Between Parents and Their Adult Children 电子书下载
How does the toxicity associated with particular parenting styles affect attachment? How do the contaminated views of themselves that children of poisonous parents have affect their relationships into adulthood? Like physicians, clinicians do not want to amputate, but they sometimes find it necessary in order to preserve the health of the larger system. Poisonous Parenting shows clinicians how to recognize the effects of poisonous parenting in adult children and how to heal the scars created by parents` toxic attitudes and behaviors. Readers will come away from the book understanding ways to counteract the effects of poisonous parenting so that clients can recover and lead a healthy life. They`ll also learn techniques for determining when a relationship can be salvaged, when to proceed with caution, and when to disconnect in order to keep the poison from spreading.
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