Django for APIs: Build web APIs with Python and Django 4.0 电子书下载
Completely updated for Django 3.1 & Django REST Framework 3.11 Django for APIs is a project-based guide to building modern APIs with Django & Django REST Framework. It is suitable for beginners who have never built an API before as well as professional programmers looking for a fast-paced introduction to Django fundamentals and best practices. In the book you`ll learn how to: Build 3 Django backends from scratch, including a Library API, Todo API, and Blog API Connect to a React JavaScript front-end Integrate user authentication: basic, sessions, and tokens Add permissions and proper documentation Use viewsets and routers for concise code If you`re curious about Python-based APIs, Django for APIs is a best-practices guide to writing and customizing your own quickly. Reviews "If you`re looking for a guide into the world of Django, then the three-step of Django for Beginners, Django for APIs, and Django for Professionals is ideal: get up and running, get into APIs, which are a cornerstone of modern app development, and then add the bits you need to your fledging app into production, from databases and static files, to user accounts and security. It`s a long road. Will`s books are an awesome companion."-CARLTON GIBSON, Django Fellow and Django REST Framework core contributor "When readers interested in web development ask me what to read next after Python Crash Course, I refer them to Will`s books: Django for Beginners, Django for APIs, and Django for Professionals. I highly recommend you check out his work."-ERIC MATTHES, author of Python Crash Course "Will`s books are a fantastic resource for web development with Django and Python. I highly recommended them."-JEFF TRIPLETT, Python Software Foundation Director, DEFNA President, and REVSYS Partner
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