Data Science for Effective Healthcare Systems 电子书下载
Data Science for Effective Healthcare Systems has a prime focus on the importance of data science in the healthcare domain. Various applications of data science in the health care domain have been studied to find possible solutions. In this period of COVID-19 pandemic data science and allied areas plays a vital role to deal with various aspect of health care. Image processing, detection & prevention from COVID-19 virus, drug discovery, early prediction, and prevention of diseases are some thrust areas where data science has proven to be indispensable. Key Features: The book offers comprehensive coverage of the most essential topics, including: Big Data Analytics, Applications & Challenges in Healthcare Descriptive, Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics in Healthcare Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and IoT in Healthcare Data Science in Covid-19, Diabetes, Coronary Heart Diseases, Breast Cancer, Brain Tumor The aim of this book is also to provide the future scope of these technologies in the health care domain. Last but not the least, this book will surely benefit research scholar, persons associated with healthcare, faculty, research organizations, and students to get insights into these emerging technologies in the healthcare domain.
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