IELTS Tech- Vocal Cosmetics (A Complete Package of Vocabulary Usage for IELTS) 电子书下载
V & S Publishers, 2015 - 72 pages.ISBN:978-93-505743-6-2IELTS TECH – Vocal Cosmetics is the third book of the IELTS-Tech Series, an ideal for students aiming and striving hard to learn as well as improve their Vocal Cosmetics and Speech Therapy, specifically written and designed for the IELTS – International English Language Testing System Examinations. This book will not only enhance the Speaking Skills of the candidates, but will also be of great assistance to them in easily understanding and learning the technical aspect of IELTS related Speaking Techniques like Word Stress, Intonation, Rhythm, Coherence, Lexical Resource, Fluency, etc.
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