Learning Go Programming: Build Scalable Next-Gen Web Application using Golang (English Edition) 电子书下载
Deep dive into the essential topics in Go programming.
Key Features Understand the fundamentals of Go language, its history, purpose and success stories./li>Learn how to work with Variables, Constants, Data types, Operators, Control structures and Functions.Get familiar and work with the standard Golang libraries.Learn how to create custom packages and third-party package installation.Understand how concurrency is achieved in Go with the use of Goroutines, Mutex and Channels.Understand how an error is handled in Golang and supported libraries.
This book is a unique read for both beginners and developers as it extensively covers topics ranging from fundamentals to advanced topics in Go programming. Basics such as Data types, Control structures and Loops in have been explained in-depth. A detailed description of Structs, Interfaces, Polymorphism and Concurrency will enable you to write professional codes using Golang. You will get an idea of error data type and how to recover it in Golang. You will be capable of using standard libraries, create custom packages and install third party packages in Go. Creation of functions and invoking them in Go have been vividly explained. By the end, you will be able to write advanced Golang code and at the same time, develop an application with Golang server.
What you will Learn
Learn how to write codes using Control structures and Loops in GoGet familiar with the type of Operators in GoLearn how to work with Arrays and Slices in GoGet familiar and work with the functions in GoLearn how to implement Concurrent programming in Go
Who this book is for
This book is for anyone who wants to learn the Golang programming language. Programmers and developers who are currently using Golang can use this book as a reference guide.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Go
2. Environment Setup
3. Beginning With Go
4. Variables, Data Types and Constants
5. Operators
6. Control Structures
7. Functions
8. Packages in Go
9. Arrays and Slices
10. Strings
11. Pointers
12. Structures
13. Composition
14. Interfaces and polymorphism
15. Maps
16. Concurrency with Go
17. Mutex & Channels
18. Error Handling
19. Reflection
20. Build Web Application
About the Authors
Shubhangi Agarwal is an experienced software engineer, who for the past four years has been working in the information technology industry. In 2017, Shubhangi started her career with the market research industry, moving with IBM India Pvt. Ltd., she is currently working as a senior software engineer with Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. In her career, Shubhangi has worked on multiple technologies such as Python, Golang and various backend development events. She is also working as a freelancer helping organizations in their projects and providing the same opportunities to others.
It was back in 2018 that Shubhangi got her taste for writing by her blogs. She shares her views on multiple programming languages, common tech problems & their solution and makes videos on technical content. Shubhangi loves working on the latest technologies and sharing the technical insights through her website.
LinkedIn Profile:https://www.linkedin.com/in/shubhangi-agarwal-501366125/
Blog links: http://momentmate.com/blogs/?q=technical/j
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