Wrong for Me 电子书下载
After eight years in prison, Levi Rush is finally out and back on the gritty streets of Detroit to claim the future he was owed. A future that includes the one woman he`s wanted for years—his former best friend Rachel. She`s the reason he went inside and if getting her to do what he wants means buying the building that houses her tattoo studio and using it as leverage, then that`s what he`ll do. Because if there`s one thing he`s learned inside it`s that if you want to win, you have to play dirty. Rachel Hamilton is a tattoo artist and one hell of a tough girl. Detroit is her home, and she`s determined to make it a better place. But her plans are threatened when her old friend Levi reappears and gives her an ultimatum: she gives herself to him body and soul, or else she and her business are out on the street. Levi`s got no room in his heart for anything but anger and the lust he`s been carrying around for so long. But the only thing stronger than the secrets of their...
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