Citrix Access Gateway VPX 5.04 Essentials: A practical step-by-step guide to provide secure remote access using the Citrix Access Gateway VPX 电子书下载
书名:Citrix Access Gateway VPX 5.04 Essentials: A practical step-by-step guide to provide secure remote access using the Citrix Access Gateway VPX
The Citrix Access Gateway can provide full VPN access to you network or simple ICA proxy and we will show you how. No matter how new you are to Citrix or how long you have used Citrix for, we are going learn how to extend the use of Citrix products beyond the confines of your corporate network. Citrix Access Gateway VPX 5.04 Essentials takes you through the complete process of configuring the appliance. Providing easy to follow guides that you will be able to follow as a seasoned Citrix professional or newbie, we will see you through to the full and complete deployment of the appliance.
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