Android Application Programming with OpenCV 3: Build Android apps to capture, manipulate, and track objects in 2D and 3D 电子书下载
书名:Android Application Programming with OpenCV 3: Build Android apps to capture, manipulate, and track objects in 2D and 3D
Android Application Programming with OpenCV 3 is a practical, hands-on guide to computer vision and mobile app development. It shows how to capture, manipulate, and analyze images while building an application that combines photography and augmented reality. To help the reader become a well-rounded developer, the book covers OpenCV (a computer vision library), Android SDK (a mobile app framework), OpenGL ES (a 3D graphics framework), and even JNI (a Java/C++ interoperability layer). Now in its second edition, the book offers thoroughly reviewed code, instructions, and explanations. It is fully updated to support OpenCV 3 and Android 5, as well as earlier versions. Although it focuses on OpenCV`s Java bindings, this edition adds an extensive chapter on JNI and C++, so that the reader is well primed to use OpenCV in other environments.
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