Chemometrics: from basics to wavelet transform 电子书下载
Wavelet Transformations and Their Applications in Chemistry pioneers a new approach to classifying existing chemometric techniques for data analysis in one and two dimensions, using a practical applications approach to illustrating chemical examples and problems. Written in a simple, balanced, applications-based style, the book is geared to both theorists and non-mathematicians.This text emphasizes practical applications in chemistry. It employs straightforward language and examples to show the power of wavelet transforms without overwhelming mathematics, reviews other methods, and compares wavelets with other techniques that provide similar capabilities. It uses examples illustrated in MATLAB codes to assist chemists in developing applications, and includes access to a supplementary Web site providing code and data sets for work examples. Wavelet Transformations and Their Applications in Chemistry will prove essential to professionals and students working in analytical chemistry and process chemistry, as well as physical chemistry, spectroscopy, and statistics.
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