读报纸, 学中文 -准高级汉语报刊阅读(上册) 电子书下载
Before compiling the book, the author organized a survey among 179
foreign students with intermediate level in Chinese to find out their
interest in newspapers. The topics on the list include finding job,
traveling and network issues, these then become main topics in the book.
All the articles chosen for the book were published on Chinese
newspapers or website during the period of 2002 to 2004 and the choice
of topics takes into consideration of common interest, update, universal
values and stability. The articles are of reasonable difficulty with
explicit language points and practical usefulness. The new words and
phrases for each article have three translations in English, Japanese
and Korean to make sure that the learners mastering different native
languages can understand the articles completely and thoroughly. Пекин: Пекинский университеткомментарии на китайском, английском, корейском и на японскомТиповой учебник по изучению китайского языка. Направлен на расширение словарного запаса, улучшение практики чтения китайской прессы. В учебнике представлены тексты со словами и упражнения к ним.English Title:Reading Newspaper, Learning Chinese--An Semi-Advanced Course of Chinese Periodicals
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