Azure DevOps for Web Developers: Streamlined Application Development Using Azure DevOps Features 电子书下载
Explore the architecture, product offerings, and the various stages of implementation processes in Azure DevOps. The book starts with the basic concepts of DevOps and moves on to discuss project management in Azure DevOps. Next, you will learn requirement management and version control in DevOps. Along the way, you will go through test management followed by continuous integration and build automation with more details on code quality and security implementations. Moving forward, you will learn release pipeline and infrastructure as code implementation including ARM-based environment provisioning and execution. Finally, you’ll cover DevOps architecture blueprints used for deploying your web applications to different platforms .After reading this book, you will be able to understand each stage of Azure DevOps and master its implementation. What You Will LearnUnderstand the various concepts of Azure DevOpsApply DevOps concepts in a variety of application contexts including web applications, containers, and databaseUnderstand the implementation of end-to-end DevOps in AzureWork with the different DevOps design patterns and architectures in AzureWho Is This Book For:Developers and architects working with Azure.
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