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A warrior with a scarred heart who doesn’t know how to love. And the woman who must teach him how before it’s too late…The
son of the evil AllFather, Xairn is filled with conflicting emotions.
On one hand, he has finally gained his freedom and cut the ties that
bound him to his race and the sadistic male who is his father. But doing
so has unleashed feelings in him Xairn would rather keep buried.
Desires that he prayed would never manifest now rage through him and
they are centered on one woman alone…Lauren Jakes is the long
lost cousin Liv and Sophie never knew they had. Abducted by the Scourge,
she formed a connection with Xairn more meaningful than any other in
his life. But though Lauren thinks she knows him, there is more to the
huge Scourge warrior than she comprehends. A nightmare childhood and a
cruel father have scarred Xairn’s heart almost past the point of
healing. But that is nothing to the secret inside him—the forbidden
desires coded into his very DNA itself, which urge him to commit
unspeakable acts in order to sate his newly awakened hunger.Now a
conflict is brewing—both in Xairn’s soul, and aboard the Fathership
where the twisted AllFather has hatched a new, malicious plot to bring
his estranged son home. Can Xairn resist the brutal lust growing within
him? Can he fight against his very nature which urges him to dominate
and control any female he mates? Can Lauren heal his heart before the
AllFather’s trap closes on both of them?And can she teach him how to love before it’s too late?
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