Hunted 电子书下载
Sophia Waterhouse has always been afraid of needles and vampires so
there’s no way she wants anything to do with a modern day Count
Dracula—even if he does come wrapped in the package of a huge Kindred
warrior with blond hair and ice blue eyes. She’s only on the Kindred
Mothership to participate in her sister Liv’s wedding and that’s all.Sylvan
is a Tranq Kindred who has made a sacred vow never to call a bride.
After a devastating rejection on his home planet, his heart is a block
of ice no one can melt—or so he thinks until he meets Sophia.When
their ship is forced down in the middle of a rugged mountain range
Sophia and Sylvan are stranded. Running for their lives they have only
each other to depend on. Will they give in to the intense attraction
between them or will the evil hunting Sophia take its toll?
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