The Best of 2600, Collectors Edition: A Hacker Odyssey 电子书下载
In response to popular demand, Emmanuel Goldstein (aka, Eric Corley) presents a spectacular collection of the hacker culture, known as 2600: The Hacker Quarterly, from a firsthand perspective. Offering a behind-the-scenes vantage point, this book provides devoted fans of 2600 a compilation of fascinating—and controversial—articles. Cult author and hacker Emmanuel Goldstein has collected some of the strongest, most interesting, and often provocative articles that chronicle milestone events and technology changes that have occurred over the last 24 years. He divulges author names who were formerly only known as “anonymous” but have agreed to have their identity revealed. The accompanying CD-ROM features the best episodes of Goldstein’s “Off the Hook” radio shows. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
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