An Atlas of SCHIZOPHRENIA 电子书下载
Written by a team of experts working at the forefront of this field, An Atlas of Schizophrenia describes schizophrenia`s profound effects on perception, understanding, communication, and social behavior; its identifiable antecedents in early brain growth and development; and its morphological data from structural brain imaging and post-mortem studies. It covers, with examples, the latest research developments in neuropsychology, psychophysiology, and functional imaging along with in vivo receptor imaging and other advances in psychopharmacology that are shedding new light on the neurochemistry of schizophrenia.Diagrams, tables, and figures obtained through modern imaging techniques combined with examples of paintings from the Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives and Museum illustrate the human as well as the scientific and psychiatric aspects of the disorder. These features give you a complete picture of schizophrenia, its diagnosis, and management. With its combination of the latest research and clinical data and state-of-the-art brain imaging techniques, An Atlas of Schizophrenia provides a unique visual presentation of the current understanding of the clinical features, etiology, pathophysiology, and treatment options available.
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