Midwifery Emergencies at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare)) Susan M. Carr, Denise Campbell 电子书下载
书名:Midwifery Emergencies at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare)) Susan M. Carr, Denise Campbell
Main Midwifery Emergencies at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare))Midwifery Emergencies at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare))Susan M. Carr, Denise Campbell5.0 / 5.0 0 comments Midwifery Emergencies at a Glance is a succinct, illustrated guide covering the practical skills needed to manage obstetric and midwifery emergencies, as well as high-risk midwifery care. It provides clear guidance on the factors which predispose to complications so that preventative management can be employed whenever possible. Broad-ranging yet easy-to-read, Midwifery Emergencies at a Glance details the underlying physiology and pathophysiology related to the emergency and explores both the physical and psychological care of the woman, partner and newborn during and following the emergency. Key features:Evidence-based, with guidance from the NMC, RCOG, NICE, and The Resuscitation CouncilPresented in an innovative, visual style that makes the key concepts easy to understandProvides helpful websites that expand on various topics as well as providing information on support groups for the woman and her familyMidwifery Emergencies at a Glance is an ideal guide for practising midwives, pre‐registration student midwives, general practitioners and junior doctors to support both revision and clinical practice. Categories:MedicineYear:2018Edition:1Publisher:Wiley-BlackwellLanguage:EnglishPages:144 / 146ISBN 13:9781119138013File:PDF, 197.06 MB Download (pdf, 197.06 MB)Toggle Dropdown Preview Send-to-Kindle or Email You may be interested inPowered by Rec2Me
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