Heard on the Street: Quantitative Questions from Wall Street Job Interviews 电子书下载
The book contains over 130 quantitative questions collected from actual investment banking, investment management, and options trading job interviews. The interviewers use the same questions year after year and here they are! These questions come from all types of interviews (corporate finance, sales and trading, quantitative research, etc), but they are especially likely in quantitative capital markets job interviews. The questions come from all levels of interviews (undergraduate, MBA, PhD), but they are especially likely if you have, or almost have, an MBA. The questions cover pure quantitative/logic, financial economics, derivatives, and statistics. Each quantitative question in the book is accompanied by a very detailed solution and by helpful advice. The latest edition also includes about 100 non-quantitative actual interview questions. Timothy Crack has a PhD from MIT. He has won many teaching awards and has publications in the top academic, practitioner, and teaching journals in finance. He has degrees in Mathematics/Statistics, Finance, and Financial Economics and a diploma in Accounting/Finance. Dr. Crack taught at the university level for 17 years including four years as a front line teaching assistant for MBA students at MIT. He now heads a quantitative active equity research team at the world`s largest institutional money manager.
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