Logical Reasoning LSAT Strategy Guide, 4th Edition (Manhattan Prep LSAT Strategy Guides) 电子书下载
A fresh, innovative, and streamlined approach to the LSAT, featuring techniques geared towards students aiming for top scores. Now with more practice problems and new online resources!
Offering a new take on the LSAT logical reasoning section, the Manhattan Prep Logical Reasoning LSAT Strategy Guide is a must-have resource for any student preparing to take the exam. Containing the best of Manhattan Prep’s expert strategies, this book will teach you how to untangle the web of LSAT logical reasoning questions confidently and efficiently.
Avoiding an unwieldy and ineffective focus on memorizing sub-categories and steps, the Logical Reasoning Strategy Guide encourages a streamlined method that engages and improves your natural critical-thinking skills. Beginning with an effective approach to reading arguments and identifying answers, this book trains you to see through the clutter and recognize the core of an argument. It also arms you with the tools needed to pick apart the answer choices, offering in-depth explanations for every single answer – both correct and incorrect – leading to a complex understanding of this subtle section.
Each chapter in the Logical Reasoning Strategy Guide uses real LSAT questions in drills and practice sets, with explanations that take you inside the mind of an LSAT expert as they work their way through the problem. Further practice sets and other additional resources are included online and can be accessed through the Manhattan Prep website.
Used by itself or with other Manhattan Prep materials, the Logical Reasoning LSAT Strategy Guide will push you to your top score.
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