The PowerScore LSAT Logic Games Bible 电子书下载
The PowerScore LSAT Logic Games Bible is the most comprehensive book available for the Logic Games section of the LSAT. The intent of this book is to provide you with an advanced system for attacking any game you encounter on the LSAT. This same system is covered in the live classes taught by PowerScore, and all of the methods and techniques discussed in the book have been tested in classroom situations over many years. The book features and explains a detailed methodology for attacking the games section. All aspects of Logic Games are covered, from recognizing game types to diagramming rules to making inferences and answering questions. Entire chapters are devoted to the most advanced game techniques and to time management strategies. Logic Games are divided into individual types, and a discussion follows that teaches you how to approach each type of Game, and drills are presented to help you apply and understand the techniques. Thereafter, real LSAT logic games are used to illustrate how the techniques apply to real tests. Using real LSAT questions is a must for high-level LSAT preparation, and twenty-one real LSAT logic games are contained in the book. Each logic game is accompanied by a detailed analysis of the game setup and related questions. The author, Dave Killoran, has nearly 20 years experience teaching the LSAT and has scored in the 99th percentile on a Law Services-administered test. An expert in LSAT preparation, he has overseen the successful preparation of thousands of students and founded two national LSAT preparation companies. The Logic Games Bible can be supplemented by PowerScore`s Logic Games Workbook and PowerScore`s LSAT Game Type Training I and II publications. The Logic Games Bible is part of PowerScore`s Trilogy, the definitive yet comprehensive guide to attacking all sections of the LSAT. All PowerScore LSAT publications provide access to a unique website for additional LSAT and Logic Games information, and has answers to frequently asked questions. PowerScore also specializes in offering comprehensive LSAT, GMAT, GRE and SAT preparation classes in over 150 locations in the U.S. and abroad. For more information about the renowned PowerScore LSAT Logic Games Bible, contact PowerScore at (800) 545-1750.
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