McGraw-Hills LSAT, 2011 Edition (Mcgraw Hills Lsat (Book Only)) 电子书下载
Ace the LSAT with help from the experts! You want to go to law school, and a top tier one at that. First you must conquer the LSAT to reach your legal dreams. McGraw-Hill`s LSAT is written by current and former Harvard Law School students who scored high on the exam. They share with you their inside tips and knowledge so you can reach exam day with confidence. New: Two complete interactive practice tests online in addition to the four tests in the book. New: An eye-catching, eight-page Welcome section including "How to Use This Book," "LSAT Study Plan," "Getting the Most from the Online Tests," and more. Complete coverage of the components of a logical argument and common logic flaws; essential information for LSAT takers! Logic tools and diagramming skills to help you master every question type. “How to Survive Your First Year in Law School” by recent and current Harvard Law School students. Topics include: Getting Started; Introduction to the LSAT; Diagnostic Test; Solution Strategies for Every LSAT Question Type; Logic Games; Logical Reasoning; Reading Comprehension; The LSAT Writing Sample; 3 Practice Tests; Surviving Your First Year in Law School
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