Mastering Android Development with Kotlin: Deep dive into the world of Android to create robust applications with Kotlin 电子书下载
书名:Mastering Android Development with Kotlin: Deep dive into the world of Android to create robust applications with Kotlin
Master Android development using a variety of Kotlin featuresKotlin is a programming language intended to be a better Java, and it’s designed to be usable and readable across large teams with different levels of knowledge. As a language, it helps developers build amazing Android applications in an easy and effective way.This book begins by giving you a strong grasp of Kotlin’s features in the context of Android development and its APIs. Moving on, you’ll take steps toward building stunning applications for Android. The book will show you how to set up the environment, and the difficulty level will grow steadily with the applications covered in the upcoming chapters.Later on, the book will introduce you to the Android Studio IDE, which plays an integral role in Android development. We’ll use Kotlin’s basic programming concepts such as functions, lambdas, properties, object-oriented code, safety aspects, type parameterization, testing, and concurrency, which will guide you through writing Kotlin code into production. We’ll also show you how to integrate Kotlin into any existing Android project.What You Will Learn• Understand the basics of Android development with Kotlin• Get to know the key concepts in Android development• See how to create modern mobile applications for the Android platform• Adjust your application’s look and feel• Know how to persist and share application database• Work with Services and other concurrency mechanisms• Write effective tests• Migrate an existing Java-based project to Kotlin
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